Are books still necessary for IB DP students? – some thoughts from EdQwest

by EdQwest Team | January 1 2023

Books have long been considered an essential resource for students, providing a wealth of information and knowledge that can be used to support learning and understanding. In recent years, however, the rise of technology and the increasing availability of online resources have led some to question the continued relevance of books in education.

One argument in favor of books is that they provide a wealth of information that can be difficult to find elsewhere. Books often go into greater depth and detail on a particular subject than other resources, and they can provide a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of a topic. In addition, books offer a level of permanence and reliability that can be difficult to find in online resources, which can change or disappear over time.

Another argument in favor of books is that they can help students to develop important skills, such as reading comprehension and critical thinking. Reading requires focus and attention, and it can help students to improve their ability to understand and analyze complex ideas. In addition, books can expose students to a wide range of writing styles and perspectives, which can help to broaden their understanding of the world and to develop their own opinions and viewpoints.

On the other hand, there are also compelling arguments against the continued necessity of books in education. One argument is that online resources can often provide faster and more convenient access to information. With the widespread availability of the internet, students can quickly search for and find information on a particular topic, often with the added benefit of multimedia resources such as videos and interactive graphics. In addition, online resources can often be more current and up-to-date than books, which can take time to be published and may not always reflect the most current knowledge on a particular subject.

Another argument against the continued necessity of books is that they can be expensive and may not be accessible to all students. While books can be a valuable resource, they can also be costly, especially for students who are required to purchase multiple books for their studies. In contrast, many online resources are available for free or at a lower cost, making them more accessible to a wider range of students.

Ultimately, the question of whether books are still necessary for students is a complex one, and the answer may vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the student. While books can provide a wealth of information and can help students to develop important skills, online resources and other materials may also be valuable and may be more convenient or accessible for some students. It is important for students to have access to a range of resources and to be able to choose the learning methods that work best for them in order to achieve their educational goals.

EdQwest Team