I am afraid of speaking in public. What can I do? Some advice from EdQwest for IB DP Students

by EdQwest Team | January 1 2023

It is completely normal to feel nervous or anxious when speaking in public. In fact, public speaking is often ranked as one of the most common fears people have. However, with a little preparation and practice, you can overcome your fear of public speaking and deliver a great presentation. Here are some strategies you can try to help reduce your anxiety:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: One of the main causes of anxiety when speaking in public is feeling unprepared. Make sure to spend ample time researching and organizing your material so that you feel confident in your knowledge of the topic.
  2. Practice your presentation: The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the material. Practice in front of a mirror or with a small group of friends to get feedback and improve your delivery.
  3. Use positive self-talk: Instead of focusing on your fears, try to focus on the positive aspects of your presentation. Remind yourself that you are well-prepared and capable of delivering a great presentation.
  4. Take deep breaths: Taking deep breaths can help to calm your nerves and reduce anxiety. Try taking a few deep breaths before you begin speaking to help relax your body and mind.
  5. Use positive visualization: Visualize yourself successfully delivering your presentation. Imagine the audience responding positively and the presentation going smoothly. This can help to boost your confidence.
  6. Use props or visual aids: Using props or visual aids can help to distract from your nerves and give you something to focus on during your presentation.
  7. Engage your audience: Engaging your audience can help to take the focus off of yourself and make the presentation more interactive. Consider asking questions or using humor to engage your audience and make the presentation more enjoyable for everyone.
  8. Seek support: Talk to a friend, family member, or counselor about your fear of public speaking. They can offer support and help you to develop strategies for managing your anxiety.

Remember, everyone gets nervous when speaking in public. The key is to learn how to manage your anxiety and focus on delivering a great presentation. With practice and the right mindset, you can overcome your fear of public speaking.

EdQwest Team